Helping your child develop literacy skills

Our videos contain fun activities families can do at home to support their child’s education in Early Years and Key stage 1 and 2. Translated in English, Turkish, Somali, Sylheti, Urdu, Punjabi, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, and Portuguese.

These literacy resources contain fun, easy activities that parents and carers can do at home in their home language or in English with their children to help them develop good literacy skills.

If you are a parent or carer and English isn't your first language don’t worry, speaking more than one language is something to be celebrated. Bilingualism stimulates brain development and helps children to learn. Research shows that children who develop good spoken and written use of their home language are more likely to develop good English later on at school!

We developed these resources in partnership with Sandringham Primary School in Newham to address some of the struggles and barriers that families of children who speak English as an additional language (EAL) can experience when engaging with their child's education.

Literacy isn't just about reading and writing - in these resources we share how chatting together about everyday activities, singing songs and playing games all help with developing literacy skills.


Anti-racism from day 1


Keeping your child safe online