Helping your child develop literacy skills
Our videos contain fun activities families can do at home to support their child’s education in Early Years and Key stage 1 and 2.
Keeping your child safe online
This resource offers some guidance for parents on how to supervise and support their children to stay safe online. Available in 10 languages.
Getting ready for reception
Getting Ready for Reception is a video resource with 10 simple things parents can teach their child before they start school. Available in 10 languages.
Learning through play
A series of short educational films that showcase 20 activities that parents can do cheaply and easily at home with their early years children. Available in Sylheti, Urdu, Polish and Somali.
Hepatitis B & C
Maslaha developed an online resource - – that aims to increase awareness and understanding of hepatitis B and C amongst the Pakistani community in East London, and is suitable for both community members and GPs/medical practitioners.
Talking from the heart
Maslaha worked in partnership with doctors from AT Medics, specialist counsellors, therapists, Islamic scholars and imams to develop an online resource and short films in Somali, Urdu and Bengali/Sylheti, exploring mental health and therapy by combining medical and faith advice.
Caring for your heart
Caring For Your Heart brings together medical and Islamic advice to help improve your lifestyle and strengthen your heart.